Front page of current issueContents of current issue
What's in Festivale, including cover stories, the tour, indices, and what's new
what's new, Festivale's revision historyGo to the online shopping mall where all the on-line stores areThe Bookroom: News, reviews, linksReel Life: The movie section with film commentary, coming attractions and release dates, links pages and more.Technology BytesFestivale's guide to Melbourne and Victoria, photos, maps, linksFestivale's guide to Melbourne and Victoria, photos, maps, links

Movies by Month

Upcoming films Australian release dates 2014
Upcoming films Australian release dates 2013
Upcoming films Australian release dates 2013

Click to see which movies are scheduled for release in Australia that month.

click here for films with release dates still to be announced (TBA)

2014: Jan , Feb, Mar, Apr, 2013: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec,

Note: movie release dates change considerably, which means that some films may be released several days or weeks before or after the date in the original announcements.

Movie reviews are linked to month-by-month entries and in the movie reviews index. When we receive posters, trailers, credits or official site details we put those up on info pages awaiting review.

Previous months: All information for release dates prior to March 1999 have been archived. If you are interested in information about specific films, check our film index (click on the Reviews option in our masthead, above, from any coming attractions page) or use the yellow site search box.

News, reviews and interviews:
Festivale is a PG13 site. Although we review material for older viewers and readers we do try to be careful with our presentation. This being said, if you want to submit reviews or reader/viewer comments, please do. We print corrections and different viewpoints -- you'll see them on some of our pages.

Previous months: All information for release dates prior to March 1999 have been archived (the reviews are still here). If you are interested in information about specific films, check our film index (click on the Reviews option in our masthead, above, from any coming attractions page) or use the yellow site search box.

Favourite movies
Looking for something to watch? Some of our reviewers' favourite titles include The Game (review by Ali Kayn)
Titanic (review by David Gerrold)
Kundun (review by Tim Richards)
Movie Poster, Ghost in the Shell, Festivale film reviews; 220x310 Ghost in the Shell