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Issue: Spring 2006

Motor Mouth (2006) book review

Highway Hijinks

Alex 'Barny' Barnaby and Hooker are back, and she's watching his back while thinking about shooting darts into it. Hooker, the NASCAR driver and cheating boyfriend is on the track and Barny is on his team. But Hooker isn't the only one cheating.

In true Evanovich tradition, curiosity causes mayhem as Hooker, Barny and their latino sidekicks find themselves with custody of an 18 wheeler containing a race car, a Saint Bernard dog, and a dead body. Wherever will it all end?

book cover; Motor Mouth by Janet Evanovich; Festivale book review; 144x220

Motor Mouth (2006), tpb, 312p, HarperCollins, $32.95

There has been some criticism of Evanovich's new series being too close in formula to the Stephanie Plum series. Certainly the cigar ladies who help out tend to have a Lula feel. But it's all harmless fun, and probably no-one puts out an eye. This is an Evanovich adventure after all.

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Ali Kayn
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See also: Alex Barnaby series reading order and synopses.
Stephanie Plum series reading order and synopses.

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