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Bring it On movie review

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Bring it On

A group of nice white cheerleaders trying for a championship discover they are using stolen moves from the non-white girls of a poor high school.

They're bright, they're bubbly, they're athletic and they speak a secret language of gymnastic and other jargon, but although the whole school turns out to see them perform, they aint got no respect. Because this film is not about the football team (who in this school are major losers), but the cheer squad.

For this squad, the football is just an opportunity to practice their highly athletic, hiply choreographed routines. This is a champion team, and it is time for the head cheerleader to pass on the crown to her bubbly and enthusiastic successor (Kirsten Dunst).

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Movie Poster, Bring it On
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It's a peculiarity of U.S. America mythology that life ends at twenty, the high school football team is the centre of their universe, and if you don't make cheerleader or the football team, you chance is over. In some bizarre fashion American's have decided that people peak while their hormones are raging and they have made zero major decisions, or contributions.

The result, as one commentator said, is that where once teenagers went to the movies to watch adults having sex, now adults are going to movies to watch teenagers having sex. By the same token, movies like Varsity Blues and The Replacements centre on the idea that achieving a teenage ambition is all there is.

Where Bring it On turns the tables a bit is that the bimbo cheerleader is presented as an athlete in his or her own right, and it was something that had not occurred to me. Frankly I don't much care how good they are, nothing is worth sitting through something as monumentally boring as a group of men racing around a field groping and gouging one another, especially U.S. football where the players wear so much armour and can be horrendously fat, flabby dags and still play.

So what about the plot? Well a new girl, a gymnast who can only practice her skill by joining the squad (played by an ex-vampire slayer), takes one look at their fabulous, innovative moves and drags Dunst into a car.

All their moves were stolen by the previous squad leader, videotaped at games from a 'black' high school squad too poorly funded to appear on the national scheme. As so now the squad must find other choreography. Car washes, dancing, poncy poseurs, and more ensue as the two teams raise money and work on their routines.

Widely regarded as an opportunity for a lot of young actresses to show off their 'moves' the attempt to wrap the story up in a racial issue does little to raise the level. Despite the female locker room scenes, most male viewers have reported extremes of boredom.


Send your comments or review by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release December 14, 2000
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Just the facts:

Title: Bring it On (2000)
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The Players: Kirsten Dunst
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 2000 All rights reserved
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