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Festivale online magazine, May, 1998
Twilight movie review

"They have the starring roles in their own lives"

Twilight is set in the luxury of talented, tasteful Los Angeles. This is not the flash and excess of L.A. Story, or the ghettos of a contemporary thriller, but rather the world of sculptural Art Deco ranch houses, where the architects and the houses have as much star power as the inhabitants who pass through them. Catherine (Susan Sarandon) and Jack (Gene Hackman) are a golden couple facing the sunset of their twenty-year love affair. He is dying of cancer, and on the outskirts of their grief, above the garage, lives Harry Ross (Paul Newman).

Movie Poster, Twilight, Festivale film review

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Old, tired, broken by a bout of alcoholism and a gunshot from the couple's runaway daughter (Renee Witherspoon), Harry is an unpaid handyman, and Jack is the client who never pays, and who believes, as his wife does, that their privileges, their every wish, is their due. This is Cinema Noir in its favourite locale -- the private dick in L.A., the sordid demi-monde of the beautiful people.
Paul Newman and Susan Sarandon in Twilight, Festivale film review

Paul Newman and Susan Sarandon in Twilight

Stockard Channing in Twilight, Festivale film review
Stockard Channing is memorable as detective, Verna
The cast is solid gold, the locations are elegantly appropriate, and the performances have all the mastery of experienced craftspeople. But the film is not emotionally involving: we never doubt that Harry will prevail -- he has too many good friends (including Stockard Channing as his ex-partner on the police force), and he has too much scar tissue to be badly hurt. The ending is too inexorable, the villains are too obvious, and at the close there is no surprise. It is all too carefully paced and too methodically contrived. Ironically, the expertise of the film makers may contribute to the sense that we are secure on the face of the razor -- not its edge.

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Just the facts:

Title: Twilight (1998)
Written by: Richard Russo & Robert Benton
Directed by: Robert Benton
Produced by: Michael Hausman, Arlene Donovan
Edited by: Csrol Littleton
Director of Photography: Piotr Sobocinski

The Players: Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon, Gene Hackman, Stockard Channing, Reese Witherspoon, James Garner.
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Festivale Online Magazine
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1998 All rights reserved
Filed: 5-May-1998 : Last updated: 6-May-1998 : Last tested: 3-Jul-2014: Last Compiled: 3-Jul-2014
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